Capataz-...Y, repito, será un inmenso placer trabjar con usted, en serio.
Il Capo-Necesitarás rodilleras, paquete de cien de kleenex, caramelos de menta para después de, crema hidratante, vaselina, barra de labios de coco, almohada para morder...
Con un poco de retraso, llega el Ponit Blank.Es una fotico del lunes, no he podido ponerla antes. La paciencia se empieza a agotar. Oí al vecino de al lado quejarse también, se ve que hay otros jovenzuelos/as de la escalera derecha que tiran cositas...Interesante
-colillas -pieles de mandarinas -muchos papeles pajeros
La crudeza de Lord Winflurs residía en una desazón,en una mescolanza de miedos y recuerdos. Por eso, cuando le ofrecieron viajar a Marte, no lo dudo un instante. Tras varias insípidas semanas de espera, partió hacia el planeta rojo. Pero como la cartografía interestelar no era su fuerte, apareció en Marina d´Or. Para el caso, es lo mismo.
Este sábado, sabadete (un saludo a Arantxa Bonette)24 pinchan los Tremendos en el Fantástico, el bar que está cerquita del Razz. ¿Cómo se llega? Volando o en metro L4-Bogatell y L1-Marina
Warrior-...Voy a eyacular en tu puta boca. Vomitaré sobre tus párpados y luego lo refregaré con tu jodida lengua...Sí...Y voy a cagar mierda marrón y te voy a taponar los agujeros de la nariz con mi puta mierda marrón...
No pudieron intuir la caída de Izumo. No pudieron dilucidar el ataque traicionero y furioso de las huestes de Tokugawa Ieyasu.¡ Ay, Izumo! ¡ Gloria del floreciente imperio de Takeda Shingen! Izumo siempre existirá en nuestros corazones.
¡Grandes! ¡Grandes! Grupo: Rich Kids on LSD Disco: "Riches to Rags" Canción: "Betrayed"
la letra
Feelings of rejection, no false hopes or misconception, Just a burning in my head and in my heart. Promises were made, friendship lost along the way, A twisted path of lies, deception from the start. The future lay in your hands with talk of stardom, all your plans, We had our dreams, high hopes, we trusted you. But the decisions that you made, And the staring role you played. Quickly made us realize what we must do. And I gave my trust to you, Got stabbed in the back and left for dead, Why'd you do the things you do? With all the lies, deceit, wrong things got said. Never expected this of you, Should've known better than to do what I did, I was blind and you were shrewd. Had me eating from your hand like a naive little kid Laid down my guard wound up screwed! Betrayed! There comes a time in all our lives when quickly we must learn from our mistakes, Now trusting no one, guard held high, Second guessing all the chances that he takes. We all must learn to use the term my friend, To those deserving of the phrase. Avoiding the pain and all the rage from knowing That you've been Betrayed. Never again will I trust you, Left for dead knife buried in my back. I wish I would have knew, Your sneakiness, plan of attack. This is what you do. Lying, cheating, and all that crap, No chance for number two. With my guard held high and my wall built strong, Next time around I'll screw you! There comes the time in all of our lives When quickly we must learn from our mistakes. Not knowing why we made them, just the outcome And the feelings they create. Whether it's sadness, loss of trust, death, pain, forgiveness, love, joy, sex, happiness, or fate, It's one of these, the biggest one, that I really hate It's a feeling you get when a trust so deep, A trust between friends has been broken And you know you got played, it's that feeling... You straight up been Betrayed! Betrayed! Betrayed! Betrayed! Betrayed! Straight up been Betrayed! Betrayed! There comes the time in every life When quickly we must learn from our mistakes. Betrayed! Now trusting no one Guard held high, second guessing All the chances that he takes... Betrayed!
Erase una vez un macaco que se tocaba tanto que se acabó llamando Bo Derek. Aunque lo mejor que sabía hacer era una esqueixada de bacallà. Eso sí, las bebidas había que pagarlas. Cuando el macaco dejó de tocarse,s e convirtió en Maria Teresa Campos. Hizo un libro, "campos de Castilla" y le banearon del foro de conejos enanos. Indignado, el macaco se fue a Mónaco y conspiró contra la humanidad. Si alguien lo ve, que avise al equipo A.
Cerré tanto los ojos que sin ellos me quedé. Grité tanto que mi cabeza en boca se convirtió. Tan lento caminé que mis pies desaparecieron, y mis piernas también. Chasqueé tanto los dedos que mis manos se agigantaron. Lo único involuntario fue lo del ombligo: fue él solo el que creció tanto que hizo desaparecer todo el tronco. Y así es como fui absorbido por mi ombligo. Y ahora soy un simple ombligo con forma de culo.
Años ha, al singer de NOFX le preguntaron que nueva banda se parecía a ellos (vamos, que nueva banda era un clon de ellos) y el contestó Randy. Hay que tener cuidadín con los que se dice. Randy, probablemente, han sacado mejores discos que NOFX. Vamos, una de las mejores bandas de punk-rock: contundentes, melódicos.Y en directo son brutales!! A disfrutar... Grupo: Randy. Disco: "You can´t keep a good band down" Canción:"Little Toulouse"
la letra
You say that I'm just another boy on this world who's trying to romanticizes the struggle, But I know when I'm talking about love. You say I'm just an immature kid who's always, always looking for trouble -- Looking for trouble Can't avoid it if your trying to be heard.
We got so little to lose and so much to win, Why dont we realize how fooled we have been?
Why do we sell ourselves for the price they give? Ooh, they let us down but we forgive. Now it's all for one and not all for all. The greed keeps the people, the masses in control.
We got so little to lose and so much to win, Why dont we realize how fooled we have been? We got so little to lose and so much to win, Why dont we realize that greed eats from within. -- From within
Oh, mama, mama life can get so lonely. Oh, papa life can get so strange. In times like this we have to stick together -- Forever Brothers and sisters and workers and comrades and everybody, yeah!
We got so little to lose and so much to win, Why dont we realize how fooled we have been? We got so little to lose and so much to win, Why dont we realize that greed eats from within.
Pues un buen grupo de punk-rock, un poco raros para la época. Vamos, que sobresalían por encima de los demás.Nunca tuve el cómic de este disco. Sniff, sniff. A menear el bullarengue. Grupo:Gas Huffer Disco: Inhuman Ordeal Of Special Agent Gas Huffer Canción: Smile No more
la letra.
I used to be so carefree... never wanted or a thing... the sun shone down upon my head just like a diamond ring but the clouds have come and crowded up my little patch of sky... all the birds that used to be there now refuse to fly... a chill has crept into the air and left me aking why and so i sigh... oh yes i sigh... i used to be a smiley guy but something tells me i will smile... no mo'!(x5)
the wind once had a friendly way... of blowing thru my hair... my tread was quick and light because i didn't have a care but now my coat is wrapped around me... to keep out the screamin' gale... my eyes are pointed downward and my face is drawn and pale the ground is hard and rocky where ive wondered off the train... i wanna wail, i wanna wail, i used to be a smily guy but something tells me i will smile... no mo'!(x5)
I used to be so carefree... never watned or a thing... the sun shone down upon my head just like a diamond ring but the clouds have come and crowded up my little patch of sky... all the birds that used to be there now refuse to fly... a chill has crept into the air and left me aking why and so i sigh... oh yes i sigh... i used to be a smiley guy but something tells me i will smile... i used to be a smiley guy but something tells me i will smile... i used to be a smiley guy but something tells me i will smile... no mo'!(x5)
El macho de la semana (bueno, con el ritmo que lleva el macho´s tema, del mes) es el genial Dick Valentine, de los fantabulosos Electric Six. Ayer los vi en concierto:impresionantes!. Canciones redondas, un sonido de puta madre y un show espectacular. Y el amigo Dick Valentine es un crack, un frontman-showman increíble. Divertido, con un vozarrón impresionante y carismático. ¡ A bailarrrrr!